LI Implementation of MAAB 5.0 Rule jc_0061

Checks block name visibilities to be set to hidden for standard blocks with standard names and visible otherwise. A standard name is a standard base name with an optional numeric extension.

Standard blocks along with their standard base names are defined in jStdBlks. If nStdBlksGenDfltNames is greater than zero that definition will be ignored and instead a list ist generated from the Simulink standard library. If the latter parameter is one, the plain block names will be considered standard base names. In case of two, these will be stripped from all characters disallowed by block naming rules (e.g. white spaces or line breaks).

Parameter nStdBlksAutoHndl defines the handling of the auto-hide parameter for block names. For zero this parameter is ignored, for one a block set to auto-hide is always considered conformimg to jc_0061 and for two such a block is always considered breaking jc_0061. For earlier releases without auto-hide functionality, naturally auto-hide is not taken into account.

Exempted from the checks are all contents linked into the model from libraries listed in the jExclLibs parameter.
