LI Implementation of MAAB 5.0 Rule ar_0001

Checks names of files related to the checked object to adhere to the ar_0001 character restrictions. Related files are Matlab files found in the project root folder or any of its subordinate folders or respectively in any of the parenting folders of referenced libraries. Matlab files are all files with an extension found in the jMlExts parameter.

Names are checked for reserved words using the jResWords parameter.

Exempted, if bExclSlprj is set to true, are all files found at any depth in the Simulink special folder slprj.

Project Root and Parenting Library Folders

The project root is determined from the checked object's model's file using parameters sProjDirRegExp and nProjDirLvlsUp, see there for more details. The checked object's model is the checked object itself, if it's a block diagram, or the closest block diagram in ancestor direction, otherwise (no following of model references).

To find parenting library folders, all library links on the checked object or other objects contained in it at any depth are followed to their library model's file. All folders parenting such files will be searched the same way as the project folder, if they are not cotained in the latter, anyway.

Exempted are those libraries listed in the general exclusion list jExclLibs.
