Library Block liio_sfunouttequi

Writes equidistant signal data (no time stamps) to ".liio" file using buffered streaming. Allowed input signal types are floating types double and single (in C-terms: float), and the integer data types uint/int of 8, 16, 32, and 64 bits. The signal's size might be a scalar or a column vector.

Block Mask


The fixed sample time of the block set by the respective block mask parameter is required to be a positive scalar.

The input signal of the block is written to the file assigned in the mask with its original width and data type on every fixed sample time step as set in the mask. If the file path is relative, the relative path will be resolved to the base of the current directory at simulation start time or model initialisation time. The file must be writable or creatable with the current user's access privileges.

If the compression flag is set in the mask, the file output will contain compressed signal data.