Library Function li_getsigdsts

[] = li_getsigdsts(hOutPort, jDsts, sctFlags)

Finds destination block inports for the signal emanating from the outport represented by handle <hOutPort> across subsystem and goto/from borders as well as packing and unpacking into/from vectors and busses. Resulting port handles are added to array list <jDsts>. <jDsts> must be an initialised instance of java.util.ArrayList.

For variant subsystems, only the currently selected subsystem is taken into account, if no variant is currently selected, the respective inport of such a variant subsystem is considered a signal destination.

<sctFlags>, if present, must be a struct containing zero to all boolean members out of the following: - 'bEnterAtomicSubs', if true, will cause the search to follow a signal into and out of atomic subsystems, otherwise an inport to an atomic subsystem is considered a signal destination. Default is true. - 'bEnterMdlRef', if true, will cause the search to follow a signal into and out of referenced models, otherwise an inport to a model reference block is considered a signal destination. Default is false. - 'bFollowNonVirtBus', if true, will cause the search to follow a signal into and out of a non-virtual bus created by a bus creator with the non-virtual bus flag checked, otherwise an inport to such bus creator is considered a signal destination. Default is true. - 'bFollowMembers' is currently not implemented. If true, yields an error where a signal member is extracted from an original bus signal to be followed, otherwise the extracting block is considered a destination. Default is false. - 'bDiagLocal' will consider any subsystem or model reference block in the diagram containing the original port a destination. Default is false. - 'bRetTraces' will cause <jDsts> to contain a java.util.Stack for each destination found, where the elements of the stack are the outport handles of all blocks leading to the signal destination plus the final inport on the top. Default is false. Any other members or non-boolean values present in struct <sctFlags> yield an error.

SEE ALSO: li_getsigsrc