function [sBlkTypeDesc, cPams] = lick_maab50_blkaprncdflt(hBlk)
Default implementation of required block appearance parameters setting example parameters of MAB 5.0 na_0004. For customisation any other function with the same signature might be placed on the Matlab® path and be assigned to sctCfg.fBlkAprncFun in a lick_config.m file like sctCfg.fBlkAprncFun = @<any-other-function>; where parameters returned by <fBlkAprncFun> have the following requirements: - <sBlkTypeDesc> shall be a descriptive text of the block appearance (row vector of char). - <cPams> shall be a cell aray of strings (row vectors of char) with two columns, where each column consists of a parameter name in the first and a required parameter value in the second.