function sctCkResults = lick_ckslobjnames_fetch(hSys, sCkType)
Checks all Simulink™ objects found in system <hSys> for adherance to type-specific naming rules. Required rule specific configuration parameters and libraries exempt from testing are retrieved from the current check configuration.
Check result structure <sctCkRes> always contains member <jExclLibs>, a java.util.HashSet with the libraries excluded from checks. Other members of that struct depend on the rule selected (see below).
Check type <sCkType> selects object type and requirement to be checked and might be one out of:
- 'block-len', check result structure <sctCkRes> will contain additional members: * <nMaxBlockNameLen>, a numeric parameter from check configuration defining the maximum allowed length for block names. * <jTooLong>, a java.util.HashSet containing the handles of all offending blocks.
- 'block-char', check result structure <sctCkRes> will contain additional members: * <bAllowBadSlLibNames>, a boolean defining if the use of names from Simulink® standard library are allowed for the types they are found on, even if they to not comply with the set of allowed characters. * <jResWords>, a java.util.HashSet parameter from check configuration defining the list of reserved words forbidden for the use with Simulink® objetcs. * <jUscStart>, a java.util.ArrayList containing blocks with names starting with underscores. * <jNumStart>, a java.util.ArrayList containing blocks with names starting with decimal digits. * <jUscEnd>, a java.util.ArrayList containing blocks with names ending on underscores. * <jUscDbl>, a java.util.ArrayList containing blocks containing multiple consecutive underscores in their names. * <jBadChar>, a java.util.ArrayList containing blocks containing disallowed characters in their names. * <jEqRes>, a java.util.ArrayList containing blocks where the name equals a reserved word.
- 'subsystem-len', check result structure <sctCkRes> will contain additional members * <nMaxSubsysNameLen>, a numeric parameter from check configuration defining the maximum allowed length for subsystem names. * <jTooLong>, a java.util.HashSet containing the handles of all offending subsystems.
- 'subsystem-char', check result structure <sctCkRes> will contain additional members * <bAllowBadSlLibNames>, a boolean defining if the use of names from Simulink® standard library are allowed for the types they are found on, even if they to not comply with the set of allowed characters. * <jResWords>, a java.util.HashSet parameter from check configuration defining the list of reserved words forbidden for the use with Simulink® objetcs. * <jUscStart>, a java.util.ArrayList containing subsystems with names starting with underscores. * <jNumStart>, a java.util.ArrayList containing subsystems with names starting with decimal digits. * <jUscEnd>, a java.util.ArrayList containing subsystems with names ending on underscores. * <jUscDbl>, a java.util.ArrayList containing subsystems containing multiple consecutive underscores in their names. * <jBadChar>, a java.util.ArrayList containing subsystems containing disallowed characters in their names. * <jEqRes>, a java.util.ArrayList containing subsystems where the name equals a reserved word.
- 'port-len', check result structure <sctCkRes> will contain additional members * <nMaxPortNameLen>, a numeric parameter from check configuration defining the maximum allowed length for port names. * <jTooLong>, a java.util.HashSet containing the handles of all offending ports.
- 'port-char', check result structure <sctCkRes> will contain additional members * <jResWords>, a java.util.HashSet parameter from check configuration defining the list of reserved words forbidden for the use with Simulink® objetcs. * <jUscStart>, a java.util.ArrayList containing ports with names starting with underscores. * <jNumStart>, a java.util.ArrayList containing ports with names starting with decimal digits. * <jUscEnd>, a java.util.ArrayList containing ports with names ending on underscores. * <jUscDbl>, a java.util.ArrayList containing ports containing multiple consecutive underscores in their names. * <jBadChar>, a java.util.ArrayList containing ports containing disallowed characters in their names. * <jEqRes>, a java.util.ArrayList containing ports where the name equals a reserved word.
- 'sig-len', check result structure <sctCkRes> will contain additional members * <nMaxSigNameLen>, a numeric parameter from check configuration defining the maximum alloed length for block * <jTooLong>, a java.util.HashSet containing the handles of all offending signals.
- 'sig-char', check result structure <sctCkRes> will contain additional members * <jResWords>, a java.util.HashSet parameter from check configuration defining the list of reserved words forbidden for the use with Simulink® objetcs. * <jUscStart>, a java.util.ArrayList containing signals with names starting with underscores. * <jNumStart>, a java.util.ArrayList containing signals with names starting with decimal digits. * <jUscEnd>, a java.util.ArrayList containing signals with names ending on underscores. * <jUscDbl>, a java.util.ArrayList containing signals containing multiple consecutive underscores in their names. * <jBadChar>, a java.util.ArrayList containing signals containing disallowed characters in their names. * <jEqRes>, a java.util.ArrayList containing signals where the name equals a reserved word.