Library Function lick_cksigtypes_fetch

function lick_ckblktypes_fetch = lick_cksigtypes_fetch(hSys, sCkType)

Checks all blocks found in system <hSys> for appropriate types of connecting signals. Libraries exempt from testing and other check type specific configuration parameters are retrieved from the current check configuration.

Check result structure <sctCkRes> always contains member <jExclLibs>, a java.util.HashSet with the libraries excluded from checks. Other members of that struct depend on the rule selected (see below).

Some rule checks require the model containing <hSys> to be in a compiled state in order to be executed. This is remarked in each respective section.

Check type <sCkType> selects the rule to be checked (all from MAB 5.0) and might be one out of:

- 'jc_0141' This check can only be performed, if the root model of <hSys> is in "compiled" state. Check result structure <sctCkRes> will contain additional members: * <jBadSwCtrlIn>, a java.util.ArrayList containing switch blocks with non-logical control input. * <jBadSwCtrlSet>, a java.util.ArrayList containing switch blocks with criteria other than 'u2 ~= 0'.

- 'jc_0630' This check can only be performed, if the root model of <hSys> is in "compiled" state. Check result structure <sctCkRes> will contain additional members: * <bAllowMpSwitchEnum>, a boolean configuration parameter that allows enumerated control input for multiport switches, if true. * <bAllowMpSwitchVecIdx>, a boolean configuration parameter that allows for a single but vectorised data port, if true. * <jBadMpSwPams>, a java.util.ArrayList containing multiport switches with offending parameter settings. * <jBadMpSwDatInCnt>, a java.util.ArrayList containing containing multiport switches with insufficient data port count. * <jBadMpSwCtrlIn>, a java.util.ArrayList containing containing multiport switches with offending control signal type.

- 'jc_0650' This check can only be performed, if the root model of <hSys> is in "compiled" state. Check result structure <sctCkRes> will contain additional members * <jBadSwDatPortTps>, a java.util.ArrayList containing switches and multiport switches where data ports and output port do not all have the same data type.

- 'na_0002' This check can only be performed, if the root model of <hSys> is in "compiled" state. Check result structure <sctCkRes> will contain additional members * <cNumSigsOnlyBlks>, a cell array configuration parameter containg the types of blocks that only allow for numeric input signals. * <cBoolSigsOnlyBlks>, a cell array configuration parameter containg the types of blocks that only allow for boolean input signals. * <jBadNonBoolIn>, a java.util.ArrayList containing blocks that only allow for numeric input by type but have at least one non-numeric input. * <jBadBoolIn>, a java.util.ArrayList containing blocks that only allow for boolean input by type but have at least one non-boolean input.

- 'na_0010', check result structure <sctCkRes> will contain additional members * <jBadDemuxInBus>, a java.util.ArrayList containing demux blocks with bus input signal. * <jBadMuxInBus>, a java.util.ArrayList containing mux blocks with bus input signal. * <jBadBusSigBlkInSupp>, a java.util.ArrayList containing block inports fed by a bus signal on a block that does not support bus signal inputs. * <jBadBusSigBlkOutSupp>, a java.util.ArrayList containing block outports connected to a bus signal on a block that does not support bus signal outputs.

- 'jc_0611' This check can only be performed, if the root model of <hSys> is in "compiled" state. Check result structure <sctCkRes> will contain additional members * <jBadProdFpSignednessMix>, a java.util.ArrayList containing multiplication or division blocks where input signals are fixed pint and have mixed signedness. * <jBadProdInpSigType>, a java.util.ArrayList containing multiplication or division blocks where the data type is non-numeric or otherwise could not be determined.

- 'jc_0131', check result structure <sctCkRes> will contain additional members * <jBadRelOpConstInp>, a java.util.ArrayList containing relational operator blocks where the first input is connected to a constant block.

- 'jc_0800' This check can only be performed, if the root model of <hSys> is in "compiled" state. Check result structure <sctCkRes> will contain additional members * <jBadFloatEq>, a java.util.ArrayList containing relational operator blocks that do equivalent comparison on floating point input signals.