function sctCkRes = lick_cksiglbls_fetch(hSys, sCkType)
Checks all ports on blocks found in system <hSys> to display signal labels as required. Libraries exempt from testing are retrieved from the current check configuration.
Check result structure <sctCkRes> always contains member <jExclLibs>, a java.util.HashSet with the libraries excluded from checks. Other members of that struct depend on the rule selected (see below).
Check type <sCkType> selects the rule to be checked (all from MAB 5.0) and might be one out of:
- 'na_0008', check result structure <sctCkRes> will contain additional members: * <bSigLblSlCkCmpl>, a boolean that, if true, indicates that the rule is interpreted in accordance with the implementation found in Simulink® toolbox Simulink® Check™. For more information see documentation of MAB 5.0 na_0008 rule implementation. * <jBadInports>, a java.util.ArrayList containing the handles of inports with conflicting labeling. * <jBadOutports>, a java.util.ArrayList containing the handles of outports with conflicting labeling.
- 'na_0009', check result structure <sctCkRes> will contain additional members: * <jBadPrpgtnPorts>, a java.util.ArrayList containing the handles of ports with label propagation that should be named directly. * <jBadNamedPorts>, a java.util.ArrayList containing the handles of ports with direct label naming where the name should be propagated.