function sctCkResults = lick_ckpamconsitency_fetch(hSys, sCkType)
Checks for consistency of parameter set(s) found with <hSys>. If <sCkType> equals 'duplicate' the variable spaces (base workspace, model workspace and associated data dictionary) are searched for variable names defined in more than one of them. If <sCkType> equals 'unused' the model bound variable spaces (model workspace and associated data dictionary) are checked for variable definitions not used in the model. Required rule specific configuration parameters are retrieved from the current check configuration.
Check result structure <sctCkRes> always contains members: * <bAllowSctMemPams>, a boolean specifying wether structure access expressions are allowed for a parameter, or not. If not allowed, a respective parameter name will be skipped here, but should yield an error with other checks. * <nBaseVars>, the number of variables found in the base workspace. * <hRoot>, the handle of the nearest model root of system <hSys>. * <nMdlVars>, the number of model workspace variables found in <hRoot>. * <sSldd>, the name of the data dictionary associated to <hRoot>, if any, an empty string otherwise. * <nSlddVars>, the number of variables found in data dictionary <sSldd>, if any, -1 if a data dictionary is assigned but cannot be found, and 0 if the data dictionary is empty or none is assigned.
Check type <sCkType> selects the kind of problem to be checked for and might be one out of:
- 'duplicate', check result structure <sctCkRes> will contain additional members: * <cBaseMdl>, a cell array containing the names of variables found in base workspace as well as in model workspace. * <cBaseSldd>, a cell array containing the names of variables found in base workspace as well as in data dictionary. * <cMdlSldd>, a cell array containing the names of variables found in model workspace as well as in data dictionary.
- 'unused', check result structure <sctCkRes> will contain additional members: * <cUnsdMdl>, a cell array containing the names of unused variables found in model workspace. * <cUnsdSldd>, a cell array containing the names of unused variables found in data dictionary.