function sctCkRes = lick_ckfobjnames_fetch(hSys, sCkType)
Find files and/or folders not applying to the naming rules. These rules will be applied to all folders and all Matlab® files found in the project folder and all files where libraries linked directly or indirectly within hSys are stored. The project folder is determined by configurable rules but is always a folder on the path of the model file of <hSys>. See documentation of rule checks for details on configuration parameters.
If 2nd argument <sCkType> is 'file', only files will be checked, if it is 'dir', only folders will be checked, if it is 'all', both will be checked.
Check result structure <sctCkRes> contains members: - <jExclLibs>, a java.util.HashSet with the libraries excluded from checks. - <sProjRootMeth>, a string describeing the method to determine the project root. - <sMdlFilePath>, a string with the file path of the model directly parenting <hSys>. - <sProjRoot>, a string with the directory path of the project root determined by method described in <sProjRootMeth>. - <jFileUscStart>, a java.util.HashSet with file paths of files starting with an underscore. - <jFileNumStart>, a java.util.HashSet with file paths of files starting with a decimal digit. - <jFileUscEnd>, a java.util.HashSet with the file paths of files ending on an underscore. - <jFileUscDbl>, a java.util.HashSet with the file paths of files containing at least two consecutive underscore. - <jFileBadChar>, a java.util.HashSet with the file paths of files containing a disallowed character. - <jMdlFileTooLong>, a java.util.HashSet with model file paths of files exceeding file length restriction. - <jFileEqRes>, a java.util.HashSet with the file paths of files named the same as a reserved word. - <jFolderUscStart>, a java.util.HashSet with paths of folders starting with an underscore. - <jFolderNumStart>, a java.util.HashSet with paths of folders starting with a decimal digit. - <jFolderUscEnd>, a java.util.HashSet with the paths of folders ending on an underscore. - <jFolderUscDbl>, a java.util.HashSet with the paths of folders containing at least two consecutive underscore. - <jFolderBadChar>, a java.util.HashSet with the paths of folders containing a disallowed character. - <jFolderTooLong>, a java.util.HashSet with paths of folders exceeding file length restriction. - <jFolderEqRes>, a java.util.HashSet with the paths of folders named the same as a reserved word.