function lick_ckblktypes_fetch = lick_ckblkaprnc_fetch(hSys, sCkType)
Checks all blocks found in system <hSys> for their block types. Required rule specific configuration parameters and libraries exempt from testing are retrieved from the current check configuration.
Check result structure <sctCkRes> contains member <jExclLibs>, a java.util.HashSet with the libraries excluded from checks, others depend on the selected rule.
Check type <sCkType> selects the rule to be checked (all from MAB 5.0) and might be one out of:
- 'hd_0001', check result structure <sctCkRes> will contain additional members: * <jBadSinks>, a java.util.ArrayList containing disallowed sink blocks.
- 'db_0042', check result structure <sctCkRes> will contain additional members: * <jBadInBlkPos>, a java.util.ArrayList containing inport blocks with rule offending position. * <jBadOutBlkPos>, a java.util.ArrayList containing outport blocks with rule offending position. * <jBadInBlkDupl>, a java.util.ArrayList containing disallowed duplicate inport blocks.
- 'db_0143', check result structure <sctCkRes> will contain additional members: * <bIgnoreSfInLayer>, a boolean configuration parameter allowing stateflow blocks in all kinds of layers, if true. Otherwise stateflow blocks are treated the same as subsystems. * <jBadMix>, a java.util.ArrayList containing block diagrams with rule offending mix of block types.
- 'jc_0623', check result structure <sctCkRes> will contain additional members: * <jBadMemUsage>, a java.util.ArrayList containing memory blocks from rule offending execution context. * <jBadUdUsage>, a java.util.ArrayList containing memory blocks from rule offending execution context.
- 'jc_0624', check result structure <sctCkRes> will contain additional members: * <jBadUdCasc>, a java.util.ArrayList containing unit delay blocks from rule offending cascades.
- 'jc_0627', check result structure <sctCkRes> will contain additional members: * <jBadDiscIntNoLims>, a java.util.ArrayList containing dicrete integrator blocks missing state limitation. * <jBadDiscIntLimRetyped>, a java.util.ArrayList containing dicrete integrator blocks retyping a state limit defined as parameter type Simulink.Parameter. * <jBadDiscIntLimExpr>, a java.util.ArrayList containing dicrete integrator blocks with at least one state limit defined as an expression rather than a single parameter variable or a numeric literal.
- 'jc_0628', check result structure <sctCkRes> will contain additional members: * <jBadSatRetyped>, a java.util.ArrayList containing saturarion blocks with retyped output.